Our Story

We see students as the creators of their stories who need the freedom to explore what they love. We guide students and staff through project-based learning in a small, engaging community. To support student’s natural inclination to learn and grow, we create a dynamic learning environment that empowers individuals to thrive through positive relationships, rigorous curricula, and relevant learning experiences. 

Helen Holmes

A native Texan, Helen Holmes has been dedicated to transforming education for 27 years. A graduate of The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and Texas Tech, she has been a licensed school counselor since 2010. Helen grew up in Ft. Worth and taught English for ten years in Texas before relocating with her family to Appleton, Wisconsin—the most transformative experience of her life. There she co-ran an award-winning, project-based school for nine years. Mrs. Holmes is a huge proponent of project-based learning, has trained educators from around the Midwest and even in the Netherlands on personalized learning plans and innovative education. She has two children, Caroline (21), who attends Carnegie Mellon University & William (18), who is a senior at Early College High School. Her husband, Mark, is the Coordinator of Spiritual Services for Dell Children's Medical Center. Helen is devoted to creating innovative schools that develop students into purposeful individuals.
Curriculum Vitae